So I'm sure any of you who are following this blog noticed; I didn't post yesterday. And honestly I don't have an excuse, or (what I consider to be) a valid reason why.
I got home after work, a (kind of) nap and just turned into a bit of a potato for the rest of the night. It was hot, I was tired, and honestly friends? I was just to damn lazy to bother thinking of a blog post. I crawled into bed around 11:30pm and realized I hadn't posted, and sighed to myself and said I'd do better next time. And I intend to.
One of my least favourite things about myself is how easily I can procrastinate anything, and brush it off until later. Until it becomes an immediate issue or problem. Whether that's getting the dishes done after dinner, writing a blog post or applying for school.
One of the reasons I made this blog and titled it what I did; was to practice accountability. To myself and to an audience. Because I want this blog to do well. To thrive. I want myself to thrive and do well. And I can't do that if I don't keep myself accountable for the things I say I am going to do, because it means nothing is going to get done.
So hears to doing better. To being accountable. And to thriving.
Until Tomorrow,
Kass Daily